Friday, January 16, 2009

Putting my money ...

... where my mouth is. Today I became a shareholder in PlanetOut, Inc. (LGBT). It took forever for to get my newly open account going (I opened it two weeks ago and they sat on my money until yesterday before they'd let me invest it ... nice racket!). I bought 200 shares at 42 cents each, which proptly dropped to 32 cents then closed at 39 cents. I'm already well on my way to losing money. But I figured it's worth it just for the laughs while I can still buy stock on the open market.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There was another short outage on Monday Jan. 19 at approximately 8 pm CST for about 30 minutes. And it just so happened to happen right in the middle of a conversation I was having with a friend who doesn't use AIM or a 3rd party IM program >:(