Saturday, March 28, 2009

Long time!

It's been more than 6 weeks since I've noticed an outage worth blogging about ... although the past two days I've had a helluva time staying connected to the group chats. Sometimes it's my computer/browser that acts up. Several times it's that I've been logged out due to "inactivity" despite the fact that I'm one of the most chatty guys in the room.

It's also been more than 6 weeks since I've heard much of anything about the Regent takeover of PlanetOut. PO's CEO resigned. They have NO executive officers listed on their corporate web site (

There's a really interesting article online about how gay print media is "going bust." The glossy mag Genre just closed up shop. Apparently there's been some "corporate raider" behavior of regional gay publications being bought up, stripped and dumped.

Then there's some interesting information about how one holding group now owns more than 25% of PlanetOut, recently buying more half of their stake at 6 cents a share.

They've been notified (again) by NASDAQ that they don't meet minimum listing requirements (

I'm just wondering when (or if) the merger/purchase will be completed.

1 comment:

Anon4 said...

Other people have been having problems staying connected, and pages frequently fail to load.

I, too, have been wondering what the status of this merger is. I think I read in one of PlanetOut's SEC filings that it probably would have gone to the shareholders for a vote by now.