Monday, October 13, 2008

Letter to the Editor of Planet Out

I figure that the debacle has become legitimate news and that the folks at PNO need to be covering this, so I've sent them a Letter to the Editor as follows: lays giant cyber-egg!

Yes, this is now news that you should be
covering as news. Your readers deserve a detailed article on what went
wrong. Not just the "we're doing our best to bring you a great new site"
tale that we've been hearing for months.

Why does Eric Wilson still have a job? The rollout of your new site has been one MASSIVE disaster. He has become the "face" of the disaster and there is simply no excuse for the problems that the new site has. None! Maybe fault lies elsewhere,
but wherever that fault is found you need to be open with your members about the
failures and let us know what action (aka heads rolling) is being taken. The problems are obviously beyond Eric's abilities to fix/control. We now need assurances from the CEO, Karen Magee, now because Eric has lost all credibility. Probably the fault lies at the feet of CTO Bill Bain.

Whatever the cause, your readers, your members deserve to know the
WHOLE truth. This needs to be explored just as deeply as you'd approach
the screw-up of any other large gay organization (ie., imagine HRC did something
that offended and lost thousands of members). Sadly, in this case it is
the fox reporting on the hen house. But it is also your chance to shine
and let the world know that we CAN trust you as a news organization, that you're
not afraid to investigate yourself with the same objectivity you would
investigate others.

I hope you will do so and strengthen my faith in your news organization to replace the faith lost as a social networking site.

You can send one too (just remember this isn't the help desk, it's a letter to the editor of a publication) at


Anonymous said...

Dead again!!!

Anonymous said...

The whole truth?

You do realize that you're talking about the people that removed comments from their own blog in order to try and cover their tracks, right?

The only truth that is interested in is the BS that they think that they can spin on their blog in hopes people will actually buy it.