Planned Outage is happy to announce that new and exciting features will be coming to the site. Along with a new, modern look, will provide more unique opportunities to remain engaged and to connect on the site. In the tradition, the site will continue to offer members immediate access to over 10 million profiles. Members can also continue to communicate with one another in any of over 750 chat rooms.
Of course they don't say WHEN it is planned for. I mean, it's been less than a year since their last horrible "upgrade" and we still haven't recovered from that. We're just now starting to get 3rd-party chat apps that work (sort of) and now they're going to screw everything up again?!?!?!
They made an announcement with similar wording in their site news blog a few days ago. It, too, does not say when these upgrades are going to be made (other than "soon") and what they are actually going to be. I do not understand why they cannot get basic marketing correct.
I sure hope these "improvements" include stability to their software because a lot of's web pages don't load half the time now.
Also, I bet that at least half of those 10 million profiles are for members who have not used in at least a year. They really need to purge unused accounts.
We had a "visitor" of the premium nature in our room a night this past week. NO pictures, no profile, except the supposed city he hailed from. This visitor encouraged certain people to "follow" him into making the chat room even better by doing this and that, to which many replied, "We are doing this and that already". HE also encouraged that we make that particular room an Eastern "state" room. To which was replied, "we already have visitors from all over the state (even other neighboring and distant states) and they like it due to its uniquely pleasant atmosphere as opposed to OTHER rooms".
He then proceeded to tackle the subject of language in the rooms (plural) and in im's. To which many interjected that if was ever to institute a sensuring measure, they surely would lose members and revenue. He then indicated that his bosses were losing money from lack of interest.
Well.. if HIS bosses are, they are losing money because they show the same damned 4 ads in the rooms. The front page of NEVER changes, and doesn't allow for advertisements in which gay men are interested. Hence, put some sex toy ad on it. Make it DIVERSE. Put some news flashers as ads in the room and on site. Have some creativity FOLKS!!
If you're out to make money, it ain't on the 6 bucks a month premiums. If it is, then no wonder you're sinking. Hence, my biggest fear is if there are plans at some point to merge rooms to save now personally owned server space supposedly. This would mean, that merging rooms would create an overflow to which can advertise, "If you have premium membership, you can get into any room you like even if it's full".
Why do people gravitate towards certain rooms in the first place? Because of unique personalities that exist there. I left my own closest city's room because of ill personality that remains there still today. If merges rooms, they will essentially run everyone off, and people will cancel their memberships so quickly, it'll make your wig spin. Those considering membership, won't waste their money.
in this economy, noone can see paying in advance for crappy connection and script errors. Fix this shit first. Then go after advertisements which will serve the community, and get people's interest enough to "click". Nuf said..
I should have known they were going to make look like People thought that's previous design was bad, but this is horrible beyond words.
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