Friday, January 9, 2009

How much planned maintenance can one website need?

Yeah, I just went to log on and saw this:

Planned Outage
We will be taking down on January 10, 2009 from 4:00
am to 7:00 am Pacific Standard Time for scheduled maintenance.

Good grief! Is there any website out there that needs this much "planned maintenance" that takes down the entire site for so long?


Lil Shooter said...

Well I Guess When A Website Is As Fucked Up As Is It Needs A Lot Of "Planned Maintenance" Or It Will Have Lots Of Unplanned Maintenance LOL On The 8th When They Last Did The Maintenance It Went Down Unplanned At 10:28 PM CST For A Half Hour.

Anonymous said...

If they say they are going to be back online by X, it's going to be AT LEAST that long before the service is back up. On a few occasions it has been back up about a half hour early, but that usually is an exception.

Anonymous said...

Well is now offline, returning Http/1.1 Service Unavailable. It has been really slow the last couple of days. It seems like when the online count starts getting to about 37,000 it really slows down. So much for these upgrades...